Outreach Programs


  • The Lamat REU program aims to increase retention, graduation rates, and PhD admission for students enrolled in two-year or four-year colleges. Key components of the Institute include intensive research instruction through summer internships, a winter computational boot camp, academic counseling and mentoring, astronomy science workshops, and social justice discussions.
  • The deadline for applications is December.
  • If you are interested in being a mentor for the summer REU program, please contact Deana Tanguay dtanguay@ucsc.edu
  • For more information please visit this page: https://lamat.science.ucsc.edu/


Project for Inmate Education (PIE) 

  • Project for Inmate Education is a program dedicated to helping inmates reenter their communities. A combination of faculty, post-docs, and graduate students build curriculum, create homework, and lecture college-level classes in Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Astronomy for which the inmates receive college credit.
  • If you are interested in being a lecturer or grader, please contact co-director Mikayla Wilson mijawils@ucsc.edu 


Science Internship Program (SIP)

  • The Science Internship Program (SIP) offers high school students the opportunity to spend their summer working on authentic open-ended research projects in science, engineering, social sciences, humanities, and art under the mentorship of UCSC researchers. The astronomer leading science-based research projects is Raja. Interns will work with faculty, post-doc, and graduate student mentors on a range of topics with the goal of presenting their work at an internal symposium at the end of the internship.
  • Intern applications open in the winter.
  • If you are interested in being a mentor please visit this page: https://sip.ucsc.edu/frequently-asked-questions-for-sip-mentors/


Shadow the Scientists (StS)

  • Shadow the Scientist (StS) allows high school students across the world to access observatories virtually by following an astronomer’s night as they collect data. StS focuses on serving BIPOC students and making observing more accessible for students who live far from observatories and dark skies. The program pulls back the curtain on the hands-on aspects of astronomy for students who are curious about a career in the field and provides an entryway for early experience in astronomical research.
  • If you are interested in showcasing your observation night, please visit this page: https://shadow.ucsc.edu/
  • If you are interested in shadowing an upcoming session visit this page: https://shadow.ucsc.edu/2022/03/04/upcoming-sessions/


Osterbrock Leadership Program (OLP) 

  • This program is dedicated to providing leadership opportunities to graduate students at the University of California - Santa Cruz. The Osterbrock Leadership Program provides unique training opportunities to the UCSC Astronomy graduate community through a variety of educational activities, mentorships with outstanding leaders, and leadership experiences conceived and executed by the students themselves.
  • Current graduate students who are interested should reach out to Sandy Faber at faber@ucolick.org . For more information please visit this page: https://www.astro.ucsc.edu/academics/Osterbrock/