II. Department Values & Culture

Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics Values Statement

The Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of California, Santa Cruz is invested in creating and sustaining a department culture that is diverse, inclusive, and supportive.  The astronomy department supports: 

  • Open expression; full participation; courtesy, respect and connection; students, postdocs, faculty, and staff alike contribute.  
  • Innovation and excellence: self-reflective, and adapts to continuous changes and needs of the department and its individuals.


Diversity Statement

As a community, we acknowledge the richness of commonalities and differences we share, the intrinsic worth of all who work and study here, and that physics education is enhanced by investigation of and reflection upon multiple perspectives. We also aspire to create respect for and appreciation of all persons as a key characteristic of our campus community and to achieve an environment that welcomes and supports diversity as well as ensuring full educational opportunities for all who teach and learn here. This work is essential to furthering the widely shared purposes of maintaining our premier status, noted for its excellence, richness and vibrancy. We are thus deeply committed to ensuring the continued diversity of our campus and will do whatever we can, legally and appropriately, to preserve and expand the diverse nature of our community.


Principles of Community & Academic Integrity

UCSC Principles of Community

Academic Integrity for UCSC Graduate Students